

Tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine (TCEP) 是一种用于分子生物学和蛋白质生物化学研究的还原试剂。

TCEP Chemical Structure, TCEP, Tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine, phosphine, reducing agent

TCEP Chemical Structure (PubChem ID: 119411)


  • -蛋白质偶联conjugation或标记
  • 毛细管电泳-激光诱导荧光检测(CE-LIF)
  • 蛋白质色谱纯化
  • 在DNA和RNA分离纯化



Peptide bond, Peptide bond formation, amino acid

巯基或硫醇(R-SH)存在于含有氨基酸半胱氨酸残基的蛋白质中。当两个巯基相互靠近时,它们可以通过氧化反应形成二硫桥(R-S-S-R ‘)。


denaturing protein, denaturation, disulfide, sulfhydryl, reduction of disulfide, reducing agent

蛋白的变性. 还原剂的加入使二硫键断裂并使蛋白质变性



TCEP 和还原反应


TCEP, nucleophilic substitution, phosphorus, Sulfhydril, thiol, disulfide

Nucleophilic Substitution by the Phosphorus Atom of TCEP. 1. The phosphorus atom attacks one sulfur atom along the S-S bond. 2. A thioalkoxyphosphonium cation and a sulfhydryl anion are formed. 3. A rapid hydrolysis releases the second sulfhydryl molecule and the phosphine oxide.

There are two main steps in the breaking of disulfide bridges and forming a free sulfhydryl using TCEP:

  1. cleavage of the S-S bond
  2. oxidation of the phosphine and release of sulfhydryl

TCEP Reaction, disulfide, phosphine oxide, sulfhydril

TCEP Reaction. 1. Cleavage of S-S bond and formation of a compound containing a disulfide bridge structure. 2. Release of sulfhydryl molecules and formation of oxidized phosphine.



  • Compared to DTT and other reducing agents, TCEP has a more neutral odor and TCEP is more resistant to oxidation by air.

  • TCEP is a useful reductant with a wide pH range (1.5-8.5) and it is more stable than DTT at pH above 7.5 (biological pH).

  • TCEP reaction is irreversible, whereas DTT reaction is reversible.

  • Compared to DTT, TCEP is preferred for labeling cysteine residues with maleimides. DTT contains thiols and shows reactivity with maleimides, which reduces the labeling efficiency.

  • You can use either TCEP or DTT to label with iodoacetamide. TCEP and DTT only lower labeling efficiency of iodoacetamide by a very small amount. But the ratio of dye over iodoacetamide, pH, and temperature may affect the efficiency of iodoacetamide labeling.

  • TCEP is more stable than DTT in the presence of metal ions (such as Fe3+ and Ni2+). You can use TCEP instead of DTT to perform metal-ion affinity chromatography.

  • In the presence of EGTA, DTT’s stability increases, but TCEP’s stability decreases. The TCEP instability is due to metal chelators (such as EGTA) catalyzing TCEP oxidation.

  • You can use either TCEP or DTT to label with iodoacetamide. TCEP and DTT only lower labeling efficiency of iodoacetamide by a very small amount. But the ratio of dye over iodoacetamide, pH, and temperature may affect the efficiency of iodoacetamide labeling.

Note: TCEP does not contain thiols so there is no need to remove it from the labeling reaction. But TCEP may react with maleimides under certain conditions, such as acidic conditions, at 20°C, and too much TCEP for labeling of proteomic samples.

If you decide to remove excess TCEP before the addition of maleimides, you can use:

- dialysis

- TCEP-immobilized resin

- column chromatography

-4-azidobenzoic acid

Buffers to Dissolve TCEP

  • You can use many types of common buffers during preparation of protein samples to dissolve TCEP at a wide range of pH levels.

  • TCEP tends to be unstable around neutral pH in phosphate buffers. If you need to use phosphate buffers with TCEP, prepare it immediately before use

For examples, you can prepare TCEP in:

- Tris-HCl buffer for protein labeling or protein purification

- Borate buffer for capillary electrophoresis-laser induced fluorescence

- Hepes buffer for chromatography

How to Prepare 0.5 M TCEP Stock Solution

1.Weigh 5.73 g of TCEP (TCEP-HCL, GoldBio Catalog # TCEP)

2.Add 35 ml of cold molecular biology grade water to the vial, and dissolve the TCEP. This resulting solution is very acidic, with an approximate pH of 2.5.

3.Bring the solution to pH 7.0 with 10 N NaOH or 10 N KOH.

4.Bring the resulting solution to 40 ml with molecular biology grade water.

5.Aliquot into 1 ml into freezer tubes and store at -20°C.

Note: This protocol allows you to prepare TCEP working concentrations and 10X stock solutions in the buffer of your choice before use. You can use TCEP as a substitute for DTT at a final concentration of 50mM.

Note: TCEP cannot be used for isoelectric focusing due to its charge in solution.

Note: Cover the tubes with aluminum foil, because TCEP is light sensitive.

Note: Stock solutions are stable for 3 months at -20°C.


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